Rock Experience
If you want to find out what it’s like to be a rock star, you can commission me to give you the next best experience where we'll discuss the clothes you’ll wear, music you’ll move to, instruments you’ll play and poses you might strike. Then - lockdown restrictions permitting - you'll take to the Half Moon stage while I photograph you in action! Your permanent reminder of your 15 minutes of fame will be my photos of you preparing - and my drawing or oil painting of you.
Here's what my first would be rock 'n' rollers had to say about the experience: "A hugely enjoyable experience – with a unique artwork at the end! In another life we’d have been rock musicians, only neither of us can sing or play an instrument. This was no barrier to taking on the persona of a rock duo on stage, to be immortalised by Stella in one of her vibrant portraits. She quickly helped us overcome our self-consciousness and was even able to offer guidance on how to convincingly handle the instruments. We had a blast singing along to our favourite numbers - luckily to an imaginary audience. Stella makes the creation of the portrait itself a real collaboration, from choosing the best photo together, to regularly emailing images of the work-in-progress for comment. It was magical to see the picture grow, and it will never stop being a thrill to see our own wonderful portrait on the wall."
A3 single portrait drawings from £250 +£25 venue hire + £50 per extra person.