Heatherley's portrait: David
I have just finished painting David, one of the last models I will paint on my Heatherley’s Post Diploma in portraiture, taught by the wonderful portraitist, Andy James.
One of the most difficult things, from the side view is to discover a way where artist (and therefore viewer) and sitter can connect. So I made sure to paint David looking out of the corner of his eye at me.

I remember particularly enjoying painting his hair - short cropped at the sides and his hands. I have no idea why, but when you are studying another human being in this intimate way, there is always something that jumps out that you linger over as it brings particular pleasure.
A bitter-sweet feeling to see how far my journey has taken me from journalism - the world of words - to the world of image. And yet, storytelling in words, is so much part of my life, I have decided to amalgamate the two.
I’ve co-founded the Lots Road Group of portrait painters, so-called because we all studied, at different times at Heatherley’s in Lots Road. And we have decided to exhibit annually on a theme to explain different aspects of portraiture. Our portraits will be accompanied by words about our sitters. So watch this space!